Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stand Tall !

Stand Tall
December 30, 2012

We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.
Aneurin Bevan.

Taking a stand for anything takes courage and a bit of faith, It is often easier not to take sides, but to remain undecided or neutral, but if you are really passionate about something, you will take a stand and you will find it empowering to say the least. How do I know, because I used to be one of that had a lot of problems taking a stand about many things. One thing though I have learned is that there are times you must make a stand.

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Last night I saw Spiderman, and as you
probably know from reading the comic,
or watching the cartoon....

....spiderman wasn't always a 'super hero'.

He was an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary

First he lost his parents.

Then his uncle was shot in front of him.

And after that, he was picked on....


Made fun of....

And scoffed at.

From that pain, a HERO was born.

Saving LIVES.

Defying ODDS.

And fighting EVIL.

Not because of money, recognition, or power.

But because he had a burning PASSION to
make a difference.

And to NEVER quit fighting for what he believed in.

EVEN when....

His reputation was on on the line....

His future was a stake.....

And his life was on the line.

He kept fighting.

And against ALL odds, suited up, showed up....

And NEVER quit.

I know of another story almost EXACTLY
like that.

Except this time....

Instead of 1 ordinary person....

...there was 40,000 of them.

And even when the banks shut them down....

Or when Facebook 'slapped' their site.

Or when they were picked on....


Made fun of....

And scoffed at....

They kept fighting.

And against ALL odds, suited up, showed up....

And NEVER quit.

This is the story of not 1 hero....

...but of 40,000 heroes.

Who NEVER quit fighting for what they believed in.

EVEN when....

Their reputation was on on the line....

Their future was a stake.....

And their lives were on the line...

They NEVER quit.

Because like Spiderman....

....they ain't no wussies.

So even though our growth is AGGRESSIVELY

And over $11-million dollars have been deposited
into the bank accounts of ordinary people...

And for the first time ever - tens of thousands of
marketers are set-up, blogging, and have eliminated
the overwhelm people in this industry have struggled
with for YEARS....

You ain't gotta be a HERO to join.

But you sure can't be a wussy.

And if you're ready to be EMPOWERED.

And lock arms with 40,000 other heroes on
a mission to make a difference.

Then let's lock arms....

...and FIGHT the forces of evil.

David Wood
"The Facebook Slayer"

P.S. Even though MASSIVE amounts of
money has been earned...

...and insane breakthroughs have been had
with our products....

That doesn't mean everyone gets rich.

P.P.S. This group of people are as close to
REAL LIFE heroes as I know.

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