Saturday, October 27, 2012

My thoughts on Obama/ Romney

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I actually composed this yesterday the 26th so when I did that it was  Mule Day and Frankenstein Day according to the information I received from our daily calendar maker who is also the keeper of such interesting information and trivia. Kind of neat that we have a Frankenstorm coming in near Halloween and right about the same time as Frankenstein Friday. 

Has anyone heard about what Donald Trump did just a couple days ago. He basically offered to write a check or checks totaling 5 Million dollars to Barack Obama’s favorite charity or charities if  Barack would provide certain documentation and have a bunch of records unsealed that have been sealed since the current POTUS took office.

Now if someone was to ask me for my grades at Ohio State or Western New Mexico University and was willing to write a check to my favorite charity I would do it without question, but I would do it even quicker if they offered to write that check to me personally.  But I am not the President and I really have nothing in those records that would cause any problem, I was on the Dean’s List numerous times at WNMU, unfortunately my grades at Ohio State were not near as Stellar, and when I attended SMU (Southeastern Massachusetts University) while in the Navy I did pretty lousy, I sure wouldn’t get mad if Obama had a bad grade or 2, no one is perfect.

I really have no idea why Obama will not do what Trump asks but I would bet that it just won’t happen. What I believe will happen is that the President will simply ignore Trump and the October 30th deadline will come and go and still no one will know anymore about Obama than they do now. That is enough for some and is what I expect. Trump keeps his 5 Million and no one is hurt, except maybe it will cost Obama the election which I feel would be good for the entire country, so in that case we all win. There are plenty of people that disagree with my feelings and based on the polls there are a whole lot that do indeed agree. Will the country be better off with Mitt Romney? I really have no idea, I just can’t see the country standing 4 more years like the past 4 years, no matter if it is “all Bush’s fault”

What I would like to see happen is for Obama to call Trump’s bluff, if it is one and provide the documentation, and I actually hope the documentation is real and verifiable and Trump has to write  that check or checks.  Much of what has been provided by this administration in the past has been either suspect or outright forgeries and so far no one seems to have the guts to stand up and say enough is enough. Take for instance the “long form Birth Certificate that is posted at it is a poorly done forgery and even though just about anyone that looks at it can tell, no one seems to be able to or cares to  do anything about it.  The fact that the Birth Certificate is not real does not prove or disprove that the President was born in the US, but it has to make any sane person wonder why? I mean if he was really born in a hospital in Hawaii in 1961 why can’t he just call the Health Department in that County and get a Certified Copy like anyone else would do? If he has nothing to hide, why would he provide such a poor document? I know for a fact that there are people in Chicago that are far better at forging documents than whoever did that one.

OK, enough on the Birth Certificate, I know it is a fake, and just about anyone that is not completely blind when shown it also knows it is a fake, and I believe with all my heart and mind that Obama knows it is a fake.

The thing that really bothers me is that during his campaign in 2008 he over and over promised that his presidency would be “transparent”. I do understand that releasing certain types of information can be harmful to National Security and that releasing certain personal information can be downright embarrassing but for the most part Barack Obama’s Term in office has been the least transparent of any President I can remember either now or from my studies in History.  It would seem to me that his major accomplishment to date is to get about ½ of the voters in the US to believe it is “all Bush’s Fault”

I know there are plenty of people that believe he is Muslim, and there is some evidence that would lead some to believe that. I personally am not sure and really does it matter?  I remember when I was in about the 4th grade and my Dad was so afraid that John Kennedy would be elected because he was a Catholic and if he was to become President the Pope would take over the country. Well Kennedy was elected and the Pope didn’t take over the US and Kennedy turned out to be a pretty decent president, many would rank him up with the best of  Presidents. Kennedy though was a leader and a good leader, a WWII Hero. He was the Captain of a PT Boat that was sunk in WWII, he was an officer and a gentlemen, everything you would want in a Commander in Chief. Kennedy actually used a plan very similar to Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan to get the country on track and put the financial house in some order. Reagan would use a similar plan himself years later.

I remember when Kennedy was shot I was in the 6th Grade, my teacher was Miss Picklesimer and we were all in the cafeteria watching a movie about the “Church of Latter Day Saints” Yep the Mormon Church which is the church of Governor Romney. I have since had numerous opportunities and assignments that had to do with the Kennedy Presidency and each time I grow more impressed with JFK.

The opposite seems to be true of  President Obama, the more I find out about him, the more I study him, the less I feel he is a quality President.

I really was hoping that my bad feeling about our current President was wrong, but it seems this feeling gets worse and worse.  He is quick to take credit for things that seem good but he really has nothing to do with like the killing of Bin Laden, if in fact Bin Laden is even dead. As I recall Bin Laden had numerous “doubles” and the body was disposed of very quickly, just seems a little fishy. On the other hand he is also quick to blame just about anyone else when things go wrong. It is Bush’s fault, it is Hillary’s fault, it is anybody’s fault but his when things are tough. That is definitely not a leader and definitely not a person I want to serve as President of the United States of America.  I will vote this November 6th or before and I can assure you that unless some absolute miracle comes about I will not cast a vote for the current POTUS.
Hope you all have a wonderful day
Jerry "The Bicycle Nut" Goodwin

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