Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tour de Tifton and the Debate

Hello Everyone,
I hope you are having a wonderful day and it just keeps getting better as the day goes on. I just got off work at 6:30 this morning and drove home (about a 45 minute drive). and after helping my wife get our two handicapped boys (actually young men) ready for the van to Green Oaks Center will try to get some stuff done before getting a little shut-eye.
Did you watch the debate last evening. I thought it was much better than the 1st one, still they are politicians, both of them, so how much can you really believe of what either says? I guess we will see which one is more believable on November 6th.
If you have a chance check this out 
Today is October 17, 2012 and it is Pasta Day. That reminds me that the Tour de Tifton is coming up April the 6th 2012. So why would today being Pasta Day remind me of the Tour de Tifton? Maybe it is because the past few years when we return from the ride we have each year been treated to a fine Spaghetti Dinner.
The Tour de Tifton was started back in 2010 by my friend Dr. Bret Wagenhorst. . I have been involved in the ride each year since it was started and each year has been an improvement on the year before.  Bret has built a team of volunteers that keep coming back each year along with some sponsors that have been involved since the very beginning and they have done an excellent job.
The Tour de Tifton is a Bicycle Ride not a race and it is supported by several rest stops manned with volunteers where riders can get water and snacks as well as SAG ( Support and Gear) which I try to provide each year. Every pre-registered rider receives a T-Shirt and a goody bag when they arrive at the Tiftarea YMCA on Westover Road in Tifton. The Y is well located near I-75 but far enough away so as not to get all the traffic. Bike rides like this one are best done on low traffic roads and streets whenever possible and Bret’s crew has done an excellent job plotting out some great routes or the various ride lengths.
There is an 11 Mile ride, a 25 Mile Ride, a 62 Mile Ride (Metric Century and the most popular ride) and a 100 Mile Full Century ride for the really daring. All rides have to be completed in 7 hours or less.
The riders and the volunteers seem to enjoy the riding and the routes as well as the support they receive from the community. The ride usually makes about 5-7,000.00 each year which is donated to the YMCA to help with programs for underprivileged Children.
I have a great idea, why don’t you all make plans to join us Saturday April 6, 2013 and ride with us at the Tour de Tifton. I guarantee you won’t find a friendlier group of folks anywhere, you will get a great meal and you will meet a very diverse group of people. If you can’t make it to the ride and would just like to help out the Y, send a check or Money Order mad payable to the Tour de Tifton, you can send it to me or the Y, any amount even 1.00 will be used to help underprivileged children. Can you think of a better cause than the youth of this country? They will be the leaders of this country in just a few years, we need to make sure they have the proper tools to grow healthy and strong as well as have a good value system in place.
Help us help the children and the families of these children.
A story comes to my mind as I write this and I would like to share it with you. A preacher name of Mikki West told it to the Congregation one day when I was in Silver City, New Mexico.
When the tide goes back off the beach after a High Tide there are often Star Fish that are stranded on the beach. The tide carries them in and sometimes when the tide goes back out they are deposited on the beach. If they are left there they will die.
One man took it upon himself to go to the beach near his home, walk along the beach and toss the Star Fish that had been stranded back in the water. One day a young man stopped the older gentleman and asked him why he did that. The younger man commented that there was simply no way he could save all the Star Fish, he was not making a difference.
The old man smiled and threw another Star Fish back in the sea , while replying to the young man “It made a difference to that one”
I know we can’t save all the children and in spite of trying to do the very best we can every child will not grow up to be highly successful businessmen, doctors or lawyers or even factory workers, but we may make a difference to one or two and change their path for the better. Help us and groups like the YMCA try to do just that.
Let’s make a difference to that one.
This ride coming up in April will be dedicated to Ilsa Boyette, a German lady that brought a lot of cheer into the life of everyone she met. Ilsa was a cyclist and a good friend to all. She  lost her battle with Cancer earlier this year. She will be missed.
Have a great day
Jerry “The Bicycle Nut” Goodwin
For more info on me click here
For answers to questions on cycling click here
For answers to questions on Fitness click here 
For a program that is automatic and pays 100% Commissions click here
For Heritage Church Click here

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