Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

January 1, 2013
Happy New Year Everyone
The best thing about the future is it comes only one day at a time.
Abraham Lincoln
Another year has come and gone, It has been an eventful year, There has been many changes in our lives. I know I am not the only one to lose relatives and friends during 2012.   Most everyone suffered some loss in 2012. We that are still here must now go on without those we lost, though they will always be missed, we will see them again in the hereafter.
Even those that did not lose someone close to them may have had other types of losses and need our understanding. Let's all try to be better at trying to be more understanding of our fellow man and the problems he/she faces.
The Bike shop has been slow lately. I did have a young man come by the house today. Someone gave him and old bike and he wanted to know if I could fix it, I cleaned it up some and lubed the chain and other parts of the bike. It will need new cables, probably new shifters and maybe new derailleurs. Most of it's problems were caused my lack of use and leaving it outdoors for a long period of time. After lubing the cables the brakes began to work again, and the front derailleur started working. I managed to get the chain working pretty well and the front was shifting pretty well, but the rear was in bad shape. I was able to get the rear to go into 4 of the 6 gears, but I think as it starts getting used more it will limber up and go into all 6. The bike was an old Murray and to replace parts on it with new parts would exceed the value of the bike, besides this was one of the local kids that play with my grandkids. I know this young man and his family have very little funds. Last week I offered to sell him a Huffy Mountain Bike in great condition for 40.00 and his old bike which is pretty much a goner and he asked his mother who said they could not afford that.
I would just give him the Huffy, but since there are several other children in the neighborhood that are in the same shape and I don't have enough for all of them, I don't believe that would be the best thing to do, instead I will repair bikes for Heritage Church and let them pass out the bikes. I guess it wouldn't hurt though to mention a few names of young people in the area that really would appreciate a good bike.
Happy New Year to Everyone, may 2013 be the best year you have ever had.
Jerry " The Bicycle Nut" Goodwin"
P.S. Check below for a special note from my friend Sotero Garcia
Imagine if you knew you had in your possession a $7.5
Million dollar winning lottery ticket.
How would you feel?
Would you have more confidence?
Would you be willing to step away from your job?
Would you start planning to travel?
Would you spend more time with family?
That's how I feel every morning when I get up.
You see, with Empower Network, it's not a question of
whether I'll make money. It's a question of HOW MUCH
money I'll make every day.
Every day... I just cash in my ticket...
I wake up knowing I have the winning ticket every single
day because I have the Empower Network.
What are you waiting on?

Jump in - the water's warm!
Sotero Garcia
Click Here 
PS: The next 30 days promise to be some of the most
exciting in your life. Don't miss out on this
opportunity -- you'll only be kicking yourself later
when you see all the success stories and your name not there.

PPS: Remember: having this formula is like waking up
every morning with a winning lottery ticket in your
hand! I can't describe the feeling of confidence and
certainty it can give you.

For more info on me click here

For answers to questions on cycling click here

For answers to questions on Fitness click here 

For a program that is automatic and pays 100% Commissions click here

For Heritage Church Click here

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