Monday, November 12, 2012

Thoughts on the recent Presidential Election

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Much like December 7, 1941, November 6, 2012 is a day that will live in infamy for many Americans. That is the day that Barack Obama was elected to a second term as president. Understand though that this was not a sneak attack from a foreign country but an attack on Traditional America from within by it own populace.

Considering everything that went wrong during his first term it was a miracle that his party would even nominate him, but they did and he won.  I mean why would a country re-elect a leader that has went out of his way to destroy the economy which was already hurting but through reckless spending and poor management was even worse at the end of 4 years than it was when he “inherited” the Bush era problems. Obama’s most impressive aspect seems to be making excuses for just about everything. I got sick of hearing over and over of how it was all Bush’s fault and how he “inherited” such a bad economy that he just could not turn it around in only 4 years. He was however able to make it a lot worse and now he has 4 more years to increase the deficit

The margin was pretty narrow, and for quite some time Mitt Romney actually controlled the popular vote even after Obama had won the Electoral Vote. Many of the Armed Forces Votes appears to have been missed which may well have changed the entire election.

Many people wanted a different President. The Republican Party nominated Mitt Romney a solid business man, but the Democrats were successful at painting him as out of touch with the worker element and he needed those votes. Of course the Unions and Big Labor were staunchly behind Mr. Obama.

I wasn’t real happy with Mitt as a candidate at first, but the more I heard about him and the more I heard him speak the more I thought he would be a big improvement over Obama.

As is common there have been plenty of assertions of voter fraud claimed against the winning party. Everything from claims that over 100% of the registered voters in 1 county in Ohio Voted to another that every vote cast is one large area ofClevelandwas for Obama. These should be investigated and they should be taken into account, chances are they won’t make a tremendous lot of difference in the actual election outcome. I recall as a small child when my Dad was talking about how the Democrats may have “stuffed” the Ballot Boxes for John Kennedy to assure a victory over Richard Nixon back in 1960, We all know what came out of that, one of the best Presidents we ever had and a model of economic recovery that would be revisited later under Ronald Reagan and was similar to the Ryan Budget proposed by Romney, which now we will have to wait at least 4 more years before it can be imposed and that may be too late.

Massive layoffs are already occurring; the President is being indicted for security violations by a citizen’s Grand Jury in Florida, 2 states Louisiana and Texas have requested Peaceful Secession from the United States.  If these states are allowed to secede then others will almost assuredly follow suit or we may see a second Civil War. Lincoln showed absolutely no respect for the Constitution in 1860, and we had the Civil War or as it is sometimes referred to in the South “the War of Northern Aggression.”  Obama has shown no respect for the constitution from Day 1 of his administration, so why would that change now?

I for one did not1 really expect a big difference between Mitt and Barack except with the economy. The debates, arguably all won by Mitt really did not show a clear division between the 2 men running., in fact the 3rd and last debate seemed like they were both agreeing with each other more than disagreeing or giving different sides or solutions to problems facing the country.

Maybe there should have been a woman running against Barack Obama. What if the Republicans would have nominated a true conservative Black Female? That may have stopped the liberal Democrats in their tracks.  The Democrats painted Mitt as a Rich White Dude that is totally out of touch with the masses. The 47% remark made during the campaign by Mitt did a lot to help the Democrats agenda in painting him that way.  With a Conservative Church Going Christian Conservative Black Woman the Liberals would be hard pressed to use any of their steadfast arguments like the “Rich Republican” stereotype that they used successfully against Mitt. It seems strange to me that 7 out of the 10 richest men in Congress are Democrats, does anyone see the irony there?

The Democrat machine had many poor people believing that Romney would take away the Food Stamp program completely and immediately which of course was not true. Romney’s plan was to stimulate the growth of business and the start ups of new businesses which would create jobs for the people that wanted them and then those people could get off Food Stamps and Government subsistence programs thus easing the burden on the Federal Government and the States. This would also increase tax revenue as now the people that used to be an expense would be paying taxes on their new income.

I just hope and pray that everyone is ready for a long hard ride, at least the next 4 years, maybe longer if some of the prognosticators are correct and Obama becomes the first dictator of the United States. They did not believe  it would happen in Germany either before Adolph Hitler did it.

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